Saturday, February 28, 2009


I am worried I havn't trained hard or long enough. Tonight I made my usual 5.5 mile loop on my home course. Easy. I am comfortable on the bike and my butt doesn't hurt. I could do that loop all day long. But riding for 30 miles at a time might be a different story. My longest distance is 17 miles which wasn't hard, especially since I was riding with friends. But riding solo it much harder. You watch every 1/10 of a mile tick by on the odometer. I would feel more confident if I can get a loner (20 mile) ride in before we go north. But with the rain and work, ltime is running out.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Beginning

Please follow along as Bob and I participate in Ride Ataxia III from Portlant to Seattle. I will be posting pictures and comments about our success along the route. We have no idea what to expect except that we will have a fabulous time supporting an old friend and his cause. I think it was Bette Davis who said "fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride". That certainly applies in our case.